Using My Turn


For information about finding, reserving and renewing tools see below. If you have any queries or feedback on this, or anything else you think we could provide help on, please let us know.



You can search our inventory here, or login to your account and search through the inventory as follows:

Once you login you can either search for something using the inventory search bar on the top right, below your user menu. Or you can select the Inventory tab on the top left next to the Home tab.


On the Inventory Search / Results page, you will be able to enter a search term (#1 in screen shot below); enter a search category (#2) and select whether you want to display only in stock items (#3).

The availability of the item will display below it. An item may be In Stock Now, Due, Overdue or In Maintenance.

When we have multiples of the same sort of item, this will display as a number in the top left. For example we have 8 of these safety googles. To view them all, click on the 8 and they will all display.


When you are logged in to your account you are able to reserve items for specific dates. For a step by step on how to reserve items, see here. Make sure you “submit” your cart after you’ve added all of your items. You’ll receive a confirmation email if you have successfully submitted - please check for this!

Avoid reserving overdue tools (such tools will have a status of Overdue next to their name, as highlighted in the image below). Items that are overdue can be reserved from the next Tool Library opening day, but please note that the reservation will depend on the previous member returning the tool on this day, and before your pick up slot.

Renewing Tools

Log into your account, click on your username on the top right and select loans (see screen shot below). All of your loans will be listed. If an item is allowed to be renewed, a "Renew" button will be listed in the Actions column on the far right hand side.  You will get an email confirmation for any successful renewals.

There are some rules around when you can self renew:

  • We only allow renewals for loans that have been completed to 65% of the loan period, e.g. you can’t renew items on day one of your loan.

  • Items can generally be self-renewed three times - you will see the allowed number on the loans screen.

  • Items that are associated with a loan charge cannot be self-renewed

If you have exceeded the allowed number of self-renewals then it’s time to bring your tools back! If there are exceptional circumstances and you can't return a tool on the day it is due please advise us as soon as possible - someone else may be relying on it being returned on time.